Part two of some of the greatest moments of South Park.

Satan deseerved a party! *image source* ""

Season 10 "Hell on Earth on Earth 2006"

In Hell, Satan has brought together his team of advisers to help him rise...and put together an awesome Halloween party for himself. Satan wants a party as big as those spoiled rich kids from the MTV and he plans on making it happen. Meanwhile, on Earth, Stan, Kyle, Kenny, Cartman, Tweek, and Butters, are attempting to summon the soul of dead hip hop rapper Biggie Smalls. The boys are too scared to do it, but the next night Butters tries it and it actually does work. Biggie Smalls is pissed off and tries to shoot Butters because summoning him puts means he might not make it to Satan's party. One other thing that makes this episode so great is the use of John Wayne Gacy, Jefferey Dahmer, and Ted Bundy who were tasked with making sure Satan's Ferrari Cake (That's not a typo), but were mocked as three stooges.

Season 11 "With Apologies to Jesse Jackson

Only one thing needs to be said. The category on Wheel of Fortune was "People who annoy you" and the board read "N_GGERS" and Randy Marsh was the contestant. Let's just say he was way off. Randy goes to Jesse Jackson and admits that he is wrong and apologizes. Jesse Jackson tells Randy that he has to kiss his bare butt to apologize. Randy assumes that since he apologized to Jesse jackson, that all will be forgiven. But now, Randy is known as a "Ni**er guy". Randy get together with another ni**er guy Michael Richards to have that phrase made illegal.

"What what in the butt, sir"-Butters *IMAGE SOURCE* ""

Season 12 "Canada on Strike"

Steven Abootman (President of the World Canadian Bureau) visits South Park elementary to talk about Canada Appreciation Day. And none of the students cared about that day on any level. All of them except except Kyle's little brother Ike who happens to be Cnadian. Steven Abootman finds out that most of America doesn't care about Canada Appreciation day and decides it's a good idea for Canada to go on strike. No Canadian would do anything. And America still didn't care. Ike, unfortunately, was hit hard by this and Kyle decided to call Steven Abootman and see what could be done to stop the strike. Steven Abootman said he wanted more money. More internet money. So, the boys made a video of Butter paraodying the "What What in the Butt" internet video and once they reached enough views on thier video, they made there way to get money for the video. Too bad every internet sensation from the "Leave Britney alone" guy to the sneezing panda and startled momma Panda were there to get money for their videos. The scene ends with a giant mele between all of the stars which resulted in them killing each other. The boys ended up not getting any money. Just thearetical dollars which is completely useless to Steve Abootman and Canada. Kyle eventually convinces the United Nations to give Steven Abootman something so he doens't look like this venture wasn't a complete loss. They recieved coupons to Bennigan's. Steven Abootman is then sent adrift for his complete and utter incompitance.

Season 13 "Margaritaville"

Randy Marsh takes his son Stan to the bank to open up a savings account so he can learn how to manage money. Stan hands his money to the bank manager who invests the money in a money-market mutual fund aaaaaaand it's gone. Just like that, all of Stan's money is gone. The ecomomy is terrible and everyone is struggling. Randy tries to explain to the town that frivelous spending with credit cards has angered the economy so economy is lashing back at the people. So they should not spend any money at all. For days, the town is wearing robes and garbs that resemble the time of Jesus Christ. Kyle says that not spending money isn't the answer. But since no one has any money to spend, Kyle sacrifices himself and his credit score so that everyone can have good credit again. While Kyle layed in bed, the news ran a report on the news thanking the person who sacrificed everything to get everyone out of debt. The news thanked...President Barak Obama.

Also, Stan's journey to get his dad's money back for the margarita maker is absolutely hilarious.

Season 14 "It's a Jersey thing"

For any of us that have always wondered what a Snooki is? South Park shows us what a Snooki is and she wants smush smush.

Season 15 "Bass to Mouth"

A gossip website at South Park Elementary has the students' embaressing moments and their secrets on line. At first all the kids (except Kyle) think this is great until a secret about them comes out. So the a group of kids get together to find out who is actually leaking this information. They find the source and it's none other than Wikilinks the brother of their old gerbal Lemmiwinks . Just as the kids are about to get him, he escapes to continue putting the students' secrets . When all hope seems lost, the kids are visited by Catatafish who tells them that they must get his brother Lemmiwinks to stop him. Catatafish says Wikilinks started rumors that Catatafish made a young trout go bass to mouth and the accusations are not true. After getting Lemmiwinks from his new owner, the kids along with Catatafish, the Frog Prince and his colleague, the Sparrow Prince head to the school before Wikilinks could tell a secret that could ruin the whole school. Lemmiwinks reluctantly fights his brother and kills him before the news could go . With Wikilinks defeated, the school's rumors would be safe and Catatafish could be costless to make trout go bass to mouth.

Season 16 "Sarcastaball"

Randy Marsh is furious that kickoffs have been banned from the school's football games because they are too dangerous, so during a PTA meeting, Randy decides to voice his opinion. But he does it in an exteremly sarcastic tone. So much so, that the school starts taking his advice. Randy suggests that since the game is so violant, why don't the players hug instead of tackle and instead of a football that they should use a balloon, and instead of football they should call it Sarcastaball and even goes as far as to say they should wear bras over their jerseys. This grabs the attention of the NFL who starts using Sarcastaball rules because of the serious injuries NFL players have been getting over the last few years. During a game, Butters had to find a way to motivate his team. So what does Butters do? He gives his team some of his creamy goo that comes from his weiner at night while he's sleeping. The team drinks Butters' creamy goo and they win. The NFL starts to endorse this product as well. Randy goes out during the game and is abgry and can't stop being sarcastic. One of the kids gives Randy some of Butters' creamy goo to help him not be so angry. Randy tries it and immediately realizes that he's tasting semen. Butters is immiediately grounded for giving everyone his semen (even though he had no clue what it was because his dad never told him it really was).

Season 17 "The Hobbit"

One of the cheerleaders has a crush on Butters so Wendy decides that she should tell him. Butters tells her that she's "Too fat for him". Wendy gets mad at Butters for saying that. Butters says that he only dates girls that take care of themselves like Kim Kardashian. Wendy yells at Butters saying that Kim Kardashian is only hot because of her photshopped body and that she really has the body of a Hobbit. Kanye West shows up at their school during the week to tell Wendy's class that his finace is in fact not a hobbit. Even though she sometimes lives underground and smokes from a long pipe, and goes on adventures to drop a ring in a volcano. Soon after, all the girls at South Park Elementary start making photoshopped images of themselves to get the approval of the boys in school. Wendy continues to not fall in line and do the same. Wendy is visited by Kanye West who reads Wendy a tale of a young Hobbit girl who just wnated to be liked and loved but couldn't be because of all the Jelly monsters (jealous people) in middle earth. Wendy apologizes to Kanye for being a hater. The show ends on a really sad note when they show Wendy making a photoshopped image of herself and saving the image.