Sons Of Anarchy : Poor Little Lambs

Spoilers below! 

Lets start from the very first scene: Jax is visiting Marilyn Manson in jail setting up a drug exchange. Jax is looking to unload the cocaine that he took from Lin when SAMCRO ambushed the Chinese and took the guns.

Gemma had her first parent drop off with Able. Another notable guest star in this episode was Courtney Love, who was played one of Able's teachers. In the car after dropping Able off at preschool Gemma is talking to herself. Wasn't sure where the conversation was leading until she reference that Thomas may become a doctor "just like you". Gemma now has been talking to Tara. 

SAMCRO had some cleaning up to do in this episode. In an earlier episode the boys killed a group of pastors that were engaging in the unsavory sexual activities that the church wouldn't approve of. One of the pastors in fishnets was an important person that was playing a role in having August's housing complex in Piedmont approved. Without his signature the deal would fall through and that deal needed to happen. If not his signature, his wife's signature is the next best thing. Digging up the pastor’s body from a shallow grave in the woods, SAMCRO retrieved his phone. Looking through his phone they find out he had a few rendezvous with Venus Van Dams. They need to find Venus to get more information but, that's not hard work when Tig states that he and Venus "Stays in touch". Talking to Venus they get enough information to find the pastors wife and son. Tig gets shot in the process. Jax convince the pastor’s wife to sign papers. Crisis averted. 

Juice is still in hiding from the crew. One thing Juice is having a time hiding from is his guilt. In the hotel room Juice is talking to someone who is in the shower or so the viewers are led to believe even saying "babe" while talking. But no one is there. An official ABP has been taken out on Juice and now is the time to get Juice out of town. Juice tells Gemma he doesn't want to die but he hates being alone because the thoughts in his head are so loud. This is telling because once he out of town he will be by himself. Once by himself no telling what he may do. Gemma is going to drive him out of town to her fathers cabin but first goes home to pack a bag. Beside clothes and a toothbrush Gemma packs a gun with a silencer attached. 

The deal with Marilyn Mason's drug contacts and his crew goes BAD when they shoot at cops parked in their car. They manage to kill one and wound the other officer. SAMCRO hightails it out of there and back to Scoops. Sheriff Jarry goes to the ice cream shop looking for answers about the police shooting. The Chinese roll up in a black van and throws two grenades threw the window. Chibs throws himself on top of Sheriff Jarry protecting her. Their relationship is starting to blossom into something a little more. Not sure how far it’s going to go. However, whenever you have a relationship between someone in law enforcement and a known thug, complications are sure to arise. No one was hurt in the blast. Happy tells Jax this was no warning but retaliation. They check on West who is guarding the guns. He's not answering because he's dead in a crate and the guns are gone. Nero shows up to the ice cream shop to check in to make sure everyone is ok. He gets a phone call from one of Lin's associate who is currently at Diosa Norte. He lets Nero know what is about to go down does affect you but is meant for SAMCRO. The boys jump on their Harleys and Nero gets into his Chevy Impala and races to Diosa Norte. Everyone is dead. Complete Slaughter. A total massacre. 

The town of Charming has become a battlefield in this latest episode. Henry Lin and the Chinese have come to the realization that Jax and SAMCRO has been messing with their gun business and shooting up their establishments. Revenge was in full affect. Lines were drawn in blood, 

The Verdict:

10! This is the episode that needed to come being this is the last season. Gang violence was inevitable. Gemma telling Jax that the Chinese killed Tara started the war and now that Lin knows, it all came together during this episode. Both sides now know their enemy and more blood is going to be spilled. Perfect setup episode to continue the blow up that is sure to come.