Family Guy Season 13 Opener: "Simpsons Guy"
No way this stays friendly. IMAGE SOURCE ""

After 12 seasons, "Family Guy" and "The Simpsons" finally did a crossover episode and it did not disappoint.

Spoilers ahead:

The story begins with Lois, Chris, Brian, Stewie, and Meg watching the "All in the Family/ Modern Family" crossover. Chris would go on about how great crossovers were (Until Stewie told him to shut up). Peter came in complaining about the horrible Dennis the Menace comic strip and decided that he was going to right his own comic strip called "For Pete's Sake". The comic strip was getting great reviews until Peter wrote a comic strip that was offensive to women. The women of Quahog were so upset that they protested in front of the Griffin's house and started throwing bricks through their windows. So the Griffins decided to leave until the hatred for Peter cooled down.
The Griffins were driving and had their car stolen on while they were getting gas. The Griffins walked until they got to Springfield and as they entered they thought that all of the people there had a liver problems because they were all yellow (jaundice). The Griffins got to the Quick 'E' Mart in search for food and saw doughnuts. And for some reasons, the Griffins had never seen doughnuts before. Unfortunately, all of their money was in their car. A voice said "I'll buy their doughnuts" and out appears a guy who sounds just like Homer and say he didn't say anything. Then, a voice says, "I said it" and out comes Homer who says, “No man shouldn't go without doughnuts”. Homer buys their doughnuts (but takes six of them) and takes them to the Simpson house.
Back at the Simpson's house, the two families introduce themselves and then pair off. Bart, Brian and Stewie go to Bart's room where Stewie and Bart hit it off immediately. Bart shows him his weapons room. Stewie is ecstatic because he has a weapons room too. Bart's weapon's room is just a slingshot. Stewie is so impressed with the simplicity of it and goes on to say how he doesn't need the gizmos he has at home. Meg and Lisa are in Lisa's room where Meg is extremely impressed with all of Lisa's trophies and she says she doesn't have any trophies because she isn't good a anything. Lisa tells Meg to stand up tall and say that she's somebody, to which Peter yells at her that she's not from off the screen. 
The two families are sitting down for dinner and Brian realizes that there isn't a spot for him at the table. Marge says she didn't get him one because he's a dog. Brian tries to explain that he always eats at the table, to which Marge replied "Did you drink from the toilet" and Brian says he doesn't understand why that should matter, but Brian is forced to go to the kitchen with the Simpson's dog Santa's Little Helper. At the table, Peter ad Homer decide that the next day they were going to find the Griffin's car since the police weren't going to help.
Homer and Peter first decided that to find a car, they must first think like a car. So they drink a bunch of gasoline. Then they have the brilliant idea to have a car wash for only stolen cars. Too bad none of the cars were Peter's. Oh well, they promised a car wash and they were going to deliver. So in their Daisy Duke shorts, rolled up tank tops, and high heels, Homer and Peter washed all of the cars waiting in the sexiest way possible (ewww). 

Meanwhile, Bart and Stewie are hanging out when Nelson punches Bart because he cheated on his test with Bart's test and got a D. Stewie is pissed and decides to tranq Nelson and kidnap him for Bart. While this is going on, Lisa is struggling to find something Meg is good at. Lisa gives Meg her saxophone and Meg is amazing at it. Lisa jealously takes the sax away and says it was just ok. 

Finally, they have a brilliant idea; Giant magnet. Unfortunately, the giant magnet needs a giant plug and there are no giant plugs around. Just as Peter is about to put the magnet back, he's run over by his car. Hans Moleman stole it to use as pants (yes you read that right). 

Homer takes Peter to Moe's Tavern to celebrate meeting each other and finding his car. Peter gives Homer his favorite beer Pawtucket Pat. Homer tries it and says it tastes just like Duff. Peter is thoroughly insulted until Moe pulls the label back and we find out Pawtucket Pat ale is just Duff beer repackaged. Homer takes them to court for stealing their recipe. The judge (Fred Flintstone. Rules that not only is their recipe stolen, but they also stole the entire Simpsons' shtick. 

The Griffin's are packing up their stuff and saying their good byes. Stewie shows Bart that he left him a going away present. He tied up and captured all of Bart's enemies (and also Apu because Stewie wanted to say he took a poo. Get it?). Bart is horrified (except he loved the a poo joke) and tells Stewie off. Stewie is devastated. Lisa admits to Meg that she was jealous of how good she played the sax and decided to give Meg her saxophone to which Peter throws it away saying there was no room. 

Homer goes to Peter and apologizes, but Peter won't accept the apology saying that he's "tired of the Simpsons". Homer punches Peter and the two have a good old fashion Peter vs. The Giant Chicken fight minus the Giant Chicken and add Homer. At the end, Peter is victorious after a UFO falls on him (just go with it) and crushes Homer. The two sit down seconds later to say that they just can't hang out and that they should be separated by a half hour. 

Back at the Griffin home, Peter is drinking Pawtucket Ale. Apparently nothing changed. Go figure.  Brian tells Stewie he was sorry for Bart saying he didn't want to remain friends. Stewie says that he's ok and that he was going to his room to howl at the moon. Stewie goes to his room and writes "I will not think about Bart anymore" as he's crying and wailing. 

Rating: 10

Anything you could have possibly wanted from this crossover was obtained. Both writing teams stayed true to their characters without sacrificing, or giving up any of their thunder. This was absolutely perfect.