Season 2 premiere picked up where season 1 ended. Unanswered question to be answered and more confusion does not help at all. Who is Berlin? Why is he doing this? What is so special about Elizabeth Keen? Hopefully those questions will be answered as the season progresses.

Warning: Full Spoilers follow-

Red's priority now is finding who Berlin is. It seems as though he is getting nowhere, but fear is a powerful motivator. He threatened this militant dictator with hellfire missiles to bombard his camp. This militant leader gave in to Red's demand as to who Berlin is looking for. The militant leader revealed that it was a programmer named Lord Baltimore. Lord Baltimore was later revealed to be the forerunner for developing algorithms for locating persons of interest and a well-known statistician.

Elizabeth Keen lay awake looking up at the ceiling with pictures, notes, and files. She looked distraught and anxious. The mystery of who Tom Keen really is continues to weigh on her. Tom Keen and Elizabeth Keen have been married for years and were in the process of adopting a child in season one. Near the end of season one, Tom Keen and few others were revealed as hired deep cover operatives whose sole purpose was to embed themselves into Elizabeth's life. Since the reveal, both Red and Tom killed most of the known agents.

Red reached out to Elizabeth to alert her to the existence of Lord Baltimore. Prior to leaving her motel to meet with Red, she slips some papers or files into an envelope. Her meeting with Red was brief. Red directed her to investigate a programmer named Rowan. Rowan's bank account has been hacked multiple times, with different amounts of money being deposited and withdrawn. After their interview with Rowan, Elizabeth met with a lawyer.  Her marriage with Tom Keen has been annulled. Those were paper contained in the envelope before she met Red. 

Red managed to get a hold of the files that Lord Baltimore had recently obtained from her hacking. One of people in the file was Naomi Highland, Red's wife prior to his disappearance 20 years ago. He immediately called Elizabeth to have a guard detail sent to Naomi Highland's residence and have her transported to a safe area. Naomi Highland is in protective custody due to Red's treasonous disappearance. While all of this happening, Rowan was surprised by a neighbor who entered her apartment. He played this old song on gramophone. Rowan suffers from dissociative disorder. The music was the trigger to activate the alternate self. Once it's triggered, Rowan becomes her true self, Lord Baltimore, a fearless, cold-blooded killer.

The call to warn Elizabeth and her team that Lord Baltimore is on the way came a little late. Lord Baltimore situated herself across from the Highland's and sniped a couple of FBI agents while her extraction team infiltrated the residence. Elizabeth was tasered in the process, a few other agent were either killed or wounded. Fighting her drowsiness, Elizabeth's manages to wound one of the infiltrators, but she was unsuccessful at preventing the capture of Naomi Highland. Elizabeth ran outside, while looking around, she caught of glimpse of Rowan. Elizabeth then runs after Rowan and placed Rowan under arrest. By this time, Rowan had taken over the Lord Baltimore persona.

Interrogating Rowan was unsuccessful; the Rowan persona had no recollection of what had transpired. Elizabeth leaves to join agent Ressler to interrogate the wounded intruder, which happens to be Rowan's neighbor or handler. They struck a deal with him and the trigger information was given Elizabeth. She then goes back to Rowan with the music playing on her phone. This made Rowan a bit uncomfortable and uneasy. Rowan had a twin sister, her twin was always smiling and happy and Rowan was always sad and unhappy. Her abusive uncle was the source of her unhappiness. It was discovered that Rowan's twin's corpses was being held in a mini coffin behind her parent house inside a van. By the time the music on Elizabeth’s was reaching it's climax, Rowan was slowly fading and Lord Baltimore was slowly taking control.

The capture of Naomi may have provided Red with more information on who Berlin is. Berlin has a package sent to Red containing a burner phone and small jewelry box. Red dials the one number on the phone and Berlin answers. Berlin told Red, he would send his wife back him the way he got his daughter back, in pieces. Red opens the jewelry box and reveals a finger belonging to Naomi.

Season 2 premier did not disappoint. Action packed from start to finish. One draw back is Elizabeth's character, she seems to be at a lost without Red's guidance. Although they make her appear to be self sufficient and strong, her lack of intuition makes her look weak and boring. Hopefully as the season progresses, they develop her character as the person in control of her destiny.