After a disappointing episode 2 of the season, The League redeems itself with episode 3. This episode starts off with Ruxin announcing a business trip he has to take to Korea, and Andre apologizing to the group for using’s NFL insider Jay Glazer as fantasy football guidance by handing out bouquet of flowers to Kevin, Taco, Pete, and Ruxin.

However, this episode focuses more on Jenny. The group believes that Jenny is a height supremacist because she sets her fantasy football lineup based on players’ heights, leaving the shorter players on the bench. Throughout the rest of the episode, Jenny is teased for offending short people, including Kevin’s new short boss and 5-foot-6 NFL star Darren Sproles.

There are many other themes that take play in Wednesday’s episode, which includes Andre expecting a punishment from the group for his Jay Glazer shenanigans, Ruxin working from Korea while communicating with the group through a video chat, and Taco expanding Taco Corp…in a big way.

The funniest moments of the episode, as usual, involve Taco. Apparently, Taco has set up a new kiosk for people to sign up to find out who their Eskimo brothers are. He calls it the EBDB kiosk, the “Eskimo Brother Database.” Taco brings the usual energy and refreshing jokes to this episode. At the end, we find out that Taco becomes a millionaire by selling his EBDB idea to, as he says, Mark from Cuba, who turns out to be Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban.

During the episode, Ruxin makes his appearances through video chat on either a lap top or tablet and makes comical comments about Jenny’s height supremacy. Meanwhile, Andre wants the group to punish him, but the group decides that they are not but make Andre believe that they are. While expecting a punishment, Andre chooses to punish himself before the group does by dressing as a women and meeting them at their usual bar hangout. That entire scene was awkwardly hilarious.

Unlike last episode, there is more energy in episode 3. The jokes are laughable, and the meaningless plots are awfully entertaining.

Tune in to FX next Wednesday for the fourth episode of season six at 10 pm ET.