Between: "Schools Out" Review

Between: "Schools Out" Review

Eric Smith

Do you have a wall up to watching Between or the Young Adult genre in general? Take a look, you may be surprised....

Parallels: A Review

Parallels: A Review

Eric Smith

Ever say to yourself, `Self, I wish life had gone one way or another?' Parallels offers up some choice what-ifs on the subject....

Game of Thrones S5E7: The Gift

Game of Thrones S5E7: The Gift

Den Chou

Dorne gets ridiculous, Jon Snow departs, The North gets more depressing, Jorah presents his gift, Karma conquers Cersei...

The Flash: "Rouge Air" Review

The Flash: "Rouge Air" Review

Lovell Porter

What do you get when you take three cups of awesome and mix it with three spoonful’s of amazing? You get tonight’s episode of The Flash. This episode featured a plethora of ...

Game of Thrones S5E5: Kill the Boy

Game of Thrones S5E5: Kill the Boy

Den Chou

A lot of Mother’s Day references, Jon Snow alienates more people, Danaerys dishes out some revenge, Tyrion and Jorah bonds, Stannis is still a Grammar Nazi...

Game of Thrones S5E4: Sons of Harpy

Game of Thrones S5E4: Sons of Harpy

Den Chou

Jaime arrives in the seventh kingdom, Cersei consolidates power, a Jon Snow fan theory gets support, and some deaths RR Martin warned us about ...

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