The second declaration of the 2014 Scotland Referendum is a resounding "No" from Orkney.

14,907 turned out in Orkney to vote in the Scottish Referendum, with 10,004 of these voters crossing "No" on their ballot papers. The remaining 4,883 voted for an independent Scotland, while 20 votes were unregistered due to ballots being incorrectly filled out.

The 83.7% turnout is expected to roughly the average turnout throughout the country, which would be the highest postwar election turnout. 

Unlike Clackmannanshire's declaration, the vote against independence was widely expected. Orkney is considered to be one of the few Liberal Democrat stronghold's in Scotland, as shown by the party's strong showing during the 2014 European elections.

Currently, the "Better Together" is leading the Referendum voting with 29,040, while the "Yes" campaign are behind with 21,233 votes. Although the "No" campaign is currently in the lead, it is too early to suggest a winner.

The declartions from Scotland's major cities will prove to decisive in the early hours of the morning.