In tonight's first declaration of the Scottish referendum, one of the smallest constituency's votes against an independent Scotland.

The "Better Together" campaign have won the first of 32 sprints of the referendum polls, with 2,686 more votes in Clackmannanshire.

An impressive 88.6% of the registered electorate voted today in Clackmannanshire, with 19,036 people voting in favour of the "Better Together" campaign, and the remaining 16,350 voting for an independent Scotland. 

Only 24 votes were rejected in the council area, due to an inability to fill out the ballot correctly. 

Due to the constituency's young electorate, and the fact that SNP had a 33% majority in the 2014 European elections, this will be considered a blow to Salmond's "Yes" campaign. 

However, Clackmannanshire is, ultimately, one of the smallest of the 32 councils. With every vote set to count towards Scotland's overall decision, the 35,410 votes in the constituency, will prove to be a very small per cent of the final figures.