Heading into the end of next week, we see some big quarterfinals with two big names in Counter Logic Gaming and Team Liquid. Both teams feature sub-par play throughout the split, and will have a mammoth of semifinals against Team Solo Mid if they win. They did recently play each other, just two weeks ago CLG took down TL in a best of three matchup 2-1. In game one, TL completely dominated CLG. They took them down in 35 minutes, leading 21 kills to just 9 from CLG. Games 2 and 3 though, CLG came back strong and took the series.

Both teams feature a slight glimpse of success. Just recently, Counter Logic Gaming was in the finals at MSI, won the Spring LCS, and looked like a train ready to plow through every team this summer. That wasn't the case. So who will prevail?

Who has the advantage?

Both CLG and TL love to capitalize on mistakes and force you into making tough decisions, but in a best of 5, a lot of the success comes from the pick and ban stages, as well as the adaptation throughout the series based off what the other team is trying to do. This favors CLG heavily. CLG is known for their marco play and game planning, and with this much time to sort of reset their issues and forget about the regular season, it bodes really well for CLG.

Win conditions for Team Liquid require Dardoch to play around the map and be proactive. This means getting FeniX early advantages over Huhi. The CLG botlane is really, really strong, so if Dardoch can put pressure on other parts of the map instead, it will look really solid for them.

To replay their last series against each other, below is video of all three matches.

Match 1

Match 2

Match 3