SK Telecom T1 proved why they are the best team in the world yet again in a quick 2-0 win over ROX Tigers. ROX are definitely not a bad team, but SKT showed just how good they are at working a pick and ban, as well as executing game plans.

Game 1

Early on in game 1, Bengi really bullied around the jungle over Peanut. Bengi got a dive off in the top lane, and then pushed that into a second blue buff for Faker's Anivia, and smited away gromp from Peanut. The nice thing for SKT is that Bengi is likely their "weakest" link, so he gets priority junglers because teams have to ban out Faker's main champions because he's just so good at them.

The early game was very much in SKT's favor, as they picked apart each lane. With SK Telecom playing with an Ekko in the top lane and Anivia in mid, they didn't have much primary engagement other than a flank from Duke or an Anivia wall. They changed this problem by drafting a Sivir for Bang to play on. They combined that with Nami being able to counter engage so they really drew out a lead in the mid game by kiting and getting a lot of AoE onto ROX.

Game 2

Game 2 featured really similar picks as ROX tried to force the Vladimir and Swain again, which was countered by Faker's Anivia. They then didn't pick Ashe they grabbed Lucian instead so they didn't have any engage other than a Braum ult or Reksai burrow.

SKT used some early advantages to snowball game 2 slowly. It's hard to attribute this to SKT just being really good or the team composition from ROX being odd. ROX did stall a bit and get a couple of kills onto Lucian in the mid game, but SK Telecom slowly worked their advantages and kept their 1-3-1 push going.

SK Telecom showed just how knowledgeable they are with their picks and what their team, as well as the other team, is trying to do. ROX had their gameplan in mind but they missed a few things from it and letting Faker just counter-pick them with Anivia each game hurt their gameplan dramatically.