Team Solo Mid has looked revived and revitalized through the beginning of the summer split. One of the major differences between this split and the spring split is that TSM has looked efficient in their play calls, and knowing what to do and when to do it. One thing that is nice to see is that this new team they made for the spring split is finally coming together. They did lose Yellowstar as he went back to Fnatic, but from what Doublelift has said, Biofrost fits him a bit better in the bot lane and it shows. They have played really well this split thus far.

In game 1, TSM focused a bit on the mid lane as Svenskeren looks really comfortable with Bjergsen and confident in their timing for ganks. It's something we saw at a minor level last split, but right now they look ahead of the game. Hauntzer completely dominated on Ekko, and looked really good at getting behind the enemy team in fights ad snowballing his advantages in the top lane.

Play breakdown

One thing that is going well for TSM, as seen in the above pic, is their communication on three man ganks or dives. In game 1, Hauntzer and Svenskeren timed the gank between the tier-2 and tier-3 towars really well. This snowballed Bjergsen's lane and with a Ryze who has a sub-par early game, getting this snowball is crucial.

Team Solo Mid are now 2-0 atop the LCS standings, and more importantly, haven't dropped a single game in their two best of three series they've played thus far. It isn't as much like the old TSM where they camp mid lane, but rather the communication and reaction is incredible. In game 2, Team Liquid opted to push the top lane, and instantly Bjergsen went down bot lane with Svenskeren to make a dive play, knowing TL wouldn't be there.