League of Legends Worlds: Origen Goes Up 2-0 Over Flash Wolves
LoL Esports

Origen used another late-game composition but this time on the blue side as they grab another game of this best of 5 series and now stand just 1 win away  from taking the series.

Origen (Blue side)

Lulu, Reksai, Anivia, Kalista, Tahm Kench

Flash Wolves (Red Side)

Malphite, Elise, Viktor, Jinx, Morgana

There were standard lanes to start of game 2. No lane swaps, the only different thing is Amazing gave blue buff over to Soaz's Lulu which brought him an early gold lead. Flash Wolves did however make an attempt at a lane swap about 8 minutes into the game, but it backfired on them because Mithy went top lane with SoaZ and actually resulted in a cs advantage for Niels on Kalista in bot, and a tower kill for SoaZ and Origen. 

Origen took another tower in mid lane as xPeke used an Anivia wall to zone off the Flash Wolves from being able to defend their tower.

30 minutes in is when things got crazy. Origen grabbed 3 kills and turned it into a mid inhibitor taken down. Origen pushed a 5,000 gold lead and stole dragon from Flash Wolves then killed another 3 of the Flash Wolves. Origen then snowballed it into another inhib in mid lane and extend that into destroying the nexus to take a 2-0 lead in the series!

The Flash Wolves haven't shown an answer to xPeke's Anivia yet and will likely ban it in game 3. They show no signs of understanding to how to beat that but a few questions come up then: Will the Twisted Fate be available? Or will Darius become available in game 3? There are some interesting concepts if Flash Wolves do decide to ban away Anivia. Both teams have shown they can gain gold advantages and leads in the game, but only Origen has shwon they can trasnslate into that to actually winning.