League of Legends Worlds: SoaZ Pentakill Highlight's Origen Win Over Flash Wolves In Game 1
LoL Esports

The Flash Wolves and Origen highlight the first day of the quarterfinals. Flash Wolves came in grabbing afew power-picks in the blue side.

Flash Wolves

Gnar, Reksai, Leblanc, Jinx, Morgana


Darius, Gragas, Anivia, Sivir, Alistar

Flash Wolves come into this series averaging 1.6 kills or deaths in the first 15 minutes, and Origen averaged a larger but still small 5 kills or deaths. It will be interesting to see how these games go in the early game. Will we have action early or will these be slow games?

Origen grabbed two early kills early in bot lane. We found out already that in under 10 minutes Origen was fighting. Both Niels on Sivir and Mithy on Alistar grabbed a kill and an assist which gave them a combined 800 gold advantage in the bot lane. Then, just a bit later, Origen got more kills in a fight that gave Niels another kill, but Flash Wolves' Maple would snag a kill back.Origen grabbed an early advantage but the Flash Wolves played really well from behind and kept the lead at 1,000 gold rather than Origen snowballing the game.

A fight in top that used 3 total teleports gave Flash Wolves 2 kills for free which really started to push them back into the game and also a 1K lead. The critical point in the game was Origen trying to take a baron and Mithy would get the baron smite but a fight broke out and it ended with a SoaZ pentakill! 

This would create an even gold advantage in the game at 35 minutes. FW took down xPeke and Amazing but Origen would later grab a baron and xPeke grabbed a double kill! Origen didn't do much with the first Baron buff but with this second one they grabbed a tier-2 turret in bot, and pushed that to a tier-1 as well, exposing the inhibitor that would fall. 

Heading into game 2 it will be itneresting to see how many power picks Origen can grab, since they gave so many power picks to Flash Wolves in game 1.