The once feared top lane TSM Dyrus has officially retired from professional League of Legends after TSM played their final match of Worlds against LGD Gaming. Dyrus, who has played in every world championship, and every NA LCS Final, retires with 312 professional matches to his name. He won 189 out of those 312, a 60% winrate, and a 3.4 KDA.

His most played champions include Renekton with 27 games, Rumble with 22 games, Lulu with 19 games, and Maokai and Shyvana with 18 games. Dyrus has been a lock in the top lane for TSM for a long time now. Ever since he came on with TSM, TSM has been successful.Although Dyrus was monotone in his speech often and isn't the most outgoing person, his passion for TSM, League of Legends, and winning ranks up there with anyone. This writer's favorite moment of Dyrus was when he solo killed Ackerman (a long-time feared top laner) and was so excited he yelled on camera "get f****** b**** get the f*** out of my lane."

Some old but known professional faces congratulated and gave Dyrus some props via Twitter. "Respect @LoLDyrus, you went on way longer than me. Played with you my whole career, tons of respect in the end. Hit me up on skype sometime," said CLG's HotshotGG.

It's a very emotional time for those who have followed LoL esports for this long. Whether you like TSM or not, whether you like Dyrus or not, it's hard to not appreciate what he brought to League of Legends.

"Huge shoutout to @LoLDyrus your play has inspired millions including myself. I look forward to following whatever you do next Sir Dies A Lot," said LCS Analyst Zirene.

It's been a great ride for Dyrus and TSM, it will be interesting to see how this big change effects TSM, and who their next top lane will be. Thank you Dyrus.