CLG had a chance to clinch a quarterfinals birth going into today's match against Flash Wolves, but ultimately their struggles continued and now CLG has to hope they get a tiebreaker match. Koo Tigers have already clinched a quarterfinals appearance so now it comes down to Flash Wolves or CLG. Who will advance by the end of the day?

CLG had picked an early advantage after ZionSpartan pressured Steak in the toplane. CLG rushed mid tier-3 tower and grabbed two kills on top of it. They controlled Dragon and grabbed a tower lead but Flash Wolves started executing better. In a fight in mid towards FW's Tier-2 tower, the Flash Wolves poked down Alistar enough to where he couldn't do anything in a fight, then caught CLG prior to Zion getting there with his teleport and when he did he hit a trap from Jinx's E. Flash Wolves then push that into an uncontested baron buff and grabbed a 3K gold lead.

Up 12 kills to 7 and around a 4,000 gold lead, Flash Wolves continued to put pressure on CLG and CLG is back on their heels. The baron power-play came out to a 5,600 gold lead that Flash Wolves gained. CLG tried to make a play but Steak was so tanky that they barely even pinched him. A failed fight lead to two inhibs going down in favor of Flash Wolves. Flash wolves would end the game in 37 minutes.

Now, CLG and Flash Wolves are in a bit of a tiebreak scenario. Flash Wolves, if they beat Koo Tigers, will clinch a quarterfinals birth. If KOO wins, and CLG beats paiN, then a tiebreaker game between CLG and Flash Wolves will happen. With the way CLG is playing right now, it would be a shock to see CLG advance and win two more games to advance to the quarters. They haven't played well and have been making very risky moves and not necessarily favorable moves.