League of Legends Worlds: TSM Takes Down LGD In 35 Minutes
Lol Esports

The North American 2nd-seed Team Solo Mid has gotten onto the board with a win by their name in the group stages. TSM takes down LGD in just under 35 minutes to move their record to 1-2, and LGD's record 0-3.

Bjergsen had a day on Twisted Fate totaling 11 kills, 0 deaths, and 12 assists. Wildturtle brought out the Mordekaiser ad carry, posting a 3-2-20 score. It was a solid game for TSM, they banned out Lee Sin, Reksai, and Kogmauw, leaving LGD to either ban out Mordekaiser, and leave up Elise or Gangplank, or give up Morde. It was a smart move by TSM, banning out the Lee Sin and Reksai. It sets them up for a Nidalee jungle if they wanted to, and also other options that Lee and Reskai do well against.

Talking about this group, the "group of death", we have a few questions to answer now that we're almost through the first half of group stages. Origen sits at 3-0, KT Rolster at 2-1, TSM at 1-2, and LGD at 0-3. Origen has played like a lock for the playoffs, so if they advance that means 1 of these three teams has to make it. Can TSM come back and beat KT Rolster in the second half of groups? Rolster has looked good thus far so it will be a tough task but if LGD wins out, they're still not out of it. This group of death actually looks like a group of life considering most people didn't have Origen advancing or doing well. xPeke has really led this team well and when you dive into their team, they are all veterans. It's not surprising that they are in this spot what is surprising is the meltdown of LGD looking up from the bottom.

Final Scores


Dyrus Darius 8-3-6
Santorin Gragas 2-6-14
Bjergsen Twisted Fate 11-0-12
WildTurtle Mordekaiser 3-2-20
Lustboy Thresh 3-3-19


Acorn Lulu 0-6-8
TBQ Nunu 1-5-11
GODV Diana 4-6-8
Imp Kalista 8-4-4
Pyl Brand 1-6-10