League of Legends Worlds: Counter Logic Gaming Defeats Flash Wolves
LoL Esports

In the second to last matchup of day 1, North American 1-seed Counter Logic Gaming took on Tawain's Flash Wolves. This matchup was an interesting one because this group is considered the "group of life" as almost any 2 out of the 4 teams can make it out of groups. CLG and Flash Wolves are both teams that are quality enough to advance in the top seed or 2nd seed.

Pick and ban phase is what started this win for CLG. Flash Wolves elected to not ban Lulu, which allowed CLG to grab her for Pobelter. Pobelter is great on champions like these that can bring utility for the team and don't require a ton of cs to do so.

The game was even after 10 minutes even though the Flash Wolves got first blood. The game was dead even but the Flash Wolves started to gain a lead going. At around the 37 minute mark, Flash Wolves had an8 kills to 4 lead as well as nearly a 6 thousand gold lead. CLG forced a push down midlane and right after Doublelift took down the tier-2 turret, ZionSpartan used his E to grab Kkramer and they instantly killed him. They continued that snowball to get the tier-1 turret and inhibitor. As they were backing off, CLG took down Steak with a ZionSpartan dunk.

CLG baited a baron fight and took down a second inhib, and though Steak tried to defend nobody could kill Doubelift and CLG would push that to victory.

Doublelift's teamfighting was quality in this match on Jinx. He used his speed buffs to help him kite and take down 1 by 1.

Final Scores

Counter Logic Gaming

ZionSpartan (Darius) 1-4-6
Xmithie (Elise) 3-1-4
Pobelter (Lulu) 3-0-7
Doublelift (Jinx) 3 3-1-6
Aphromoo (Alistar) 0-4-8

Flash Wolves

Steak (Gnar) 2-2-8
Karsa (RekSai) 3-1-4
Maple (Ekko) 3-2-2
Kkramer (Tristana) 1-3-6
SwordArt (Braum) 1-2-6