League of Legends Worlds: Marin Carries, SKT T1 Gets By H2K
LoL Esports

Marin's Fiora was a force to be reckoned with as SKT gets by H2K.

The Zed - Zed hype that Faker and Ryu brought a while back was evident today. Faker played a bit more out of his comfort zone. Although he's an aggressive mid, he was even more aggressive onto Ryu when Ryu had the counter matchup. It wasn't the best game out of Faker but he did create pressure consistently in mid lane, and constantly poked Ryu out of lane later on. 

H2K had a tiny bit of a lead at 10 minutes, but it slowly declined as SKT moved a deficit at 10 minutes, to a 1K lead at 20 minutes. SKT also grabbed a baron buff, and gained a 2800 gold advantage throughout the duration of that baron buff. It was a bit messy in the beginning for SKT but it didn't seem to matter. SKT took this one in 31 minutes and the casters were right when they mentioned that it felt longer than 30 minutes. Maybe that was anticipation to see SKT, maybe it was just a lot of pressure on the midlane and it seemed longer than we thought, but SKT cleaned it up fairly easily. 

Most don't realize how great Faker and company are in their micro and macro game. Faker's micro game in regards to pushing lanes when effective and pressuring Ryu so he couldn't roam looked solid. He likely won't be as cocky in future games, but Ryu and him had a history and he wanted to send a message. Unfortunately for him, Leblanc is a decent counter to Azir.

Final Scores


MaRin (Fiora) 5-1-2
Bengi (Elise) 2-1-5
Faker (Azir) 1-2-3
Bang (Tristana) 3-0-5
Wolf (Alistar) 0-1-9


Odoamne (Gnar) 1-3-1
Loulex (Gragas) 1-2-3
Ryu (LeBlanc) 1-2-0
Hjarnan (Sivir) 2-2-2
kaSing (Braum) 0-2-5