Susie Kim who recently had an AMA for SKT T1 mid laner Faker, and top laner Marin. The duo were at PAX Prime and are heading into a season 5 Worlds tournament with only one goal in mind: winning. After loads of questions were asked, a transcript was released of most of their answers.

What is your #1 rule for being good at LoL?

  • Faker - You have to watch the mini map very well.
  • Marin - Mini map is important, but I also think it's also being very good in lane. Getting CS, etc.

Who are your favorite players from other regions, or at least players you look up to?

  • Marin - FNC Huni

Anyone from LPL or NA?

  • Marin - (awkward silence)
  • Faker - I really like Froggen's Anivia. I met Froggen at All-Stars and thinks Froggen is really fun.
  • Marin chimes in - I like Dyrus.

What do your parents think about you being pro gamers?

  • Marin - In the beginning they weren't very happy about it but when I started doing well and showing up on TV they started supporting me.
  • Faker - My parents trust a lot of my decisions. When I told them they supported me from the beginning.

Do you have siblings?

  • Marin - I have two older sisters.
  • Faker - I have a younger brother, but for some reason most people on SKT have older sisters.

If you were to win Worlds, which champions would you like to have a skin on?

  • Marin - Rumble or Maokai.
  • Faker - He hasn't thought of it, he just wants to win Worlds first.

Faker, in what areas of the game have you improved most since you started playing?

  • Faker - From the beginning I wasn't all that good, for some reason the game was easy and I was able to do well. I feel I haven't improved much since starting but I play a much better team-oriented game now.

SKT seems to be the best in the world. Will SKT lose any games? When will the Maokai streak end?

  • Marin - If we follow the way we've been playing in OGN, I think we will win. But I also think there will be a lot of good teams facing them so they will probably won't have a perfect record. But with Maokai, if I get to play him, I think I can continue the winstreak.

Faker, everyone keeps saying you're a god at every champion. Would you say so yourself? If not, which champions are you not the best at?

  • Faker - I hear that I'm a god and stuff, and OK, but I have good days and bad days. If I had to choose a champion I'm not good at, I've been playing Gangplank lately and I feel GP is a tough champion to master.

Marin, do you enjoy TP toplane or would you prefer ignite to be the standard?

  • If I take ignite, I'm pretty sure my teammates wouldn't like that so I have to continue to choose teleport.

How do you come up with picks like Yi and Irelia mid?

  • Faker - I just practice a lot of champions. During practice scrims we'll try them and see how it goes. I don't think Irelia is very good to lane right now but I think I can make her work mid.

Do you think that confidence is the biggest factor going up against all these other teams?

  • Marin - It's important. If you don't have confidence when you play the game kinda lulls. You need confidence to get going.
  • Faker - Confidence is important, but being confident doesn't make you good. You should be good first and then confident. Once you're good you can become confident.

How much pressure is there when people consider you the best LoL player of all time?

  • Faker - Of course I do feel there is a pressure burden, everyone expecting me to do well, but I also use that for motivation to practice more and try to do better.

Do you ever feel like there's too much stress?

  • Faker - Nope.

Marin, are there any toplaners you think that are underrated?

  • Marin - No, you don't judge someone for one play. If you continuously see a toplaner do well, then you know they're good. The known "top" toplaners are the top players for a reason.

League of Legends is growing so much, etc etc. Where do you see yourself going as eSports continues in 5 years, 10 years, where do you want to end up?

  • Marin - 3 years from now, I would think I'm still progamer. 5 years, still progamer. Beyond that, maybe coach or teach people to play games.
  • Faker - It's really cool to see eSports growing and being global, I think eSports will do well. I'll figure out what I want to do in 5 years when I get there.

Anything you want to say to the fans?

  • Faker - I'm not sure if this AMA satisfies your thirst for questions, but I hope you all enjoy PAX. I'm grateful for all the content here and I want you to be happy and have a good time.
  • Marin - Have a good time at PAX, please continue to love LoL and SKT.