Marvel has announced some of their lineup for their upcoming relaunch. And guess what? So far it looks amazing. Here are just some of the books that have been announced and there definitely more to come.

All New Hawkeye:

Looks like Kate Bishop is getting a solo series and the first arc is called "Hawkeye - Hawkeye" and Old Man Logan's Hawkeye is on the cover...wait wait wait. Isn't he dead? Pretty sure that he was shot in the head during Old Man Logan. But, hey, no one really stays dead. Maybe Old Man Logan sits down and has a talk with her about his world and he is teaching her some of his tricks. Either way, this should be fun.

Uncanny Avengers:

Deadpool is an Avegner!!!!!

This is the Avengers "Unity squad" and man, is this team eclectic. Brother Voodoo, senior (citizen) Steve Rogers, Rogue, and Quicksilver are joined by Spider-Man, the Inhuman Inferno, a mysterious masked character and (wait for iiiiiit) DEADPOOL!!!! The writer's favorite character is making the cut for Earth's Heroes. Never saw that coming (wrote an article about it. Here's the link Considering he died in April, it's easy to guess that there was a public outcry to bring him back. Too bad he doesn't have his solo series.


OH SNAP!!! Deadpool is BACK with his solo series again. You just can't keep a good merc down. Not even using the destruction of an entire planet.

Old Man Logan:

It's surprising that Marvel hasn't brought Wolverine back fromt he dead yet. But, what we get in return is Old Man Logan. Some people may look at this as a downgrade, nut this Wolverine has been through everything 616's Logan has been through and more. Also, it will be great to see him get a new start after what happened to him in his universe and it should be great to see how he interacts with this world's X-Men since their Logan is dead.

Extraordinary X-Men:

New X-Men team with a new adjective to their title and a couple of new members joining their alpha team. Joining Storm, Iceman, Nightcrawler, Colossus, and Illyana will be Old Man Logan (just like the 616 Logan, he's all over the place) and past X-Men's Jean Grey. According to, the X-Men will be squaring off against the Inhumans. Is Marvel trying to make the Inhumans the next X-Men? Meh, who cares. This should be a great fight and a great series.

Amazing Spider-Man:

What's Marvel without Spider-Man? Of course he is going to be back. What's cool about this series is Peter Parker will be fighting crime all over the world. Friendly Worldly Spider-Man? Regardless of the name, new cities, countries, and new tech in his costume will also mean new villains and new problems for the Wall Crawler.

Uncanny X-Men:

Some titles will be around forever and whether they are constantly rebooted or not. Uncanny X-Men is one of those titles. This reboot will have The Master of Magnetism Magneto leading his own crew of mutants. This isn't a goody goody team. This is a team with Mystique, Fantomex, Psylocke (hero with a past) and Sabreooth. Sabreooth doesn't look like the good guy he became after Axis. Or maybe he is. Either way, this could become one of the more ruthless teams Marvel has put together.


Jessica Drew is pregnant and still fighting crime....Ummm...sure. This isn't going to be weird at all. The good news is Marvel is thinking outside of the box and getting more creative with what they do. Who knows, this could end up being great.


The Hood is BACK! Who will be his group of villains? In the other Illuminati series, Professor X, Iron Man, Black Bolt, Namor, Dr. Strange, and Reed Richards were trying to solve problems before they started. Parker Robbins isn't the type of guy being that solves problems because it's the right thing to do. So what's Robbins up to and who is on his team


Marvel has been pushing the Inhumans hard since they are a lesser known group and they will have a movie soon. But having Karnak have his own series at first glance seemed like a terrible idea. Insert amazing writer Warren Ellis, and you have this writer's attention. Karnak has the ability to see weakness in people and in plans on top of being a well versed fighter. Ellis is going to make him an amazing character. Look for this to be a break through book.

Guardians of the Galaxy:

The Guardians of the Galaxy are back and Rocket is in charge. Star Lord is back on earth and there is a woma wearing his garb. But who is it? Kitty Pryde (who's engaged to Peter Quill) or someone else? Joining mystery woman and Rocket are Groot, Venom, Drax, and Ben Grimm. Ben Grimm joing the Guardians of the Galaxy is a great move for his character. He's moved on from Reed Richards and will be in space around other beings that won't judge him for his looks. Also, no more Fantastic Four. It's about time he moved on.