Even though people spend a ton of money going to see comic book movies, the comic book industry itself isn't necessarily flourishing. While Marvel and DC aren't in danger of going bankrupt, people just aren't reading comics like they did in the 80's 90's. So this writer is going to give you five reasons to pick up a comic book.

1. Easily Accessible:

Once upon a time, you could find a comic book at the corner store or in the magazine section of the supermarket. You may not have been able to find a lot of the more obscure titles, but comic books were available even if you couldn't find a comic book store. In this day and age, almost everything is digital and that includes comic books. Once upon a time, people scanned their comics and could email them illegally (which this writer does not support) to other people. Now, Marvel and DC have their own digital apps that allows the consumer to buy their titles and put them on their mobile devices and their computers.

And if you aren't a fan of Marvel and DC, Comixology and Amazon.com have a little bit of everything. Some companies may not have jumped onto the digital age yet, but it is only a matter of time before you can get comics as easy as you can music and movies. While this writer fully supports the local comic book store and feels that turning the pages of a comic book is better than reading digitally, being able to not leave your house for comics is a cool concept. Also, you never have to worry about losing your comics or having someone throw them away.

2. Escapism:

Unfortunately, we live in a world where people are burning down churches, hate groups are funding murders, kids are starving, and this is just the beginning. Sometimes turning on the television or the radio only leaves us stressed, sad, and depressed. So sometimes escaping isn't a bad idea. Books in general can help you escape and while some people prefer books because without picture they are forced to create their own image of the world, comic books give you a full visual of what is going on.

Sometimes the bright colors of the costumes and backgrounds can easily put a smile on your face. There are over a million comic books with a possibly a million characters who all have different powers, personalities, and worlds just waiting to be seen. Some stories can be a bit sad and depressing, but there are a plethora of stories out there that can help you decompress after a long day at work or a long day of listening to people debate things you don't really care about.

3. The Artwork:

When people think of artists they think of people in a gallery. Paintings that have deeper meanings or something that speaks to a persons soul. Sadly, people don't consider comic book artists "real artists". Because of the stigma that comic books are for kids, the artists who spends hours upon hours on their work are forgotten about when the names of the great artists are named. Guys like Alex Ross and Alex Maleev and David Mack are just a few of the guys that should be named when the subject of great art is discussed.

Not to take away from any of the other great artists (Mike Deodato jr. and is this writers favorite), but they are perfect examples or people who can bridge the gap. It's not always about something being abstract or having a deeper meaning. Sometimes a picture is beautiful just for the actual art.

4. The Stories:

It was mentioned earlier in this article that comic books have a reputation of being kiddie or for kids. The people who say this must not have ever picked up a comic book in their lives. Yes, their are comic books that are made for all ages. However, the majority are made for teenagers and up. Besides the fact there is a ton of death and violence in comic books, the adult subjects are the real reason a lot of comics are not made for kids.

While a child should know not to talk to strangers because they could possibly be dangerous, they don't need to know that they could be raped. They shouldn't have to know what it is at a young age in general. There is also the amount of relationships and breakups, discrimination because of the way you look or dress or pray to your specific deity, and tons of other adult subjects that make these stories so heart breaking and amazing. Comic book stories are just as worthy of the praise novels get. So what if there are pictures. That doesn't mean the story isn't great and the dialogue can't change your life and can't be profound.

5. There's something for everyone:

Find a topic you like and see if there is a comic book around it. If you like mysteries and tough women, Alias with Jessica Jones. If you like cunning and fights, there's Batman. If you like science fantasy, check out the Fantastic Four. Or, if you like violence, laughter, and a misunderstood guy, Deadpool is waiting for you. The bottom line is that there is a comic book out there for everyone. Go to your local comic book shop or find a comic book forum on line and ask for some suggestions (or tweet this writer). Whatever way you do it, just relax, suspend disbelief, and enjoy the world these writers and artists have created to make you feel a plethora of emotions.

Get a comic or Captain Marvel will punch you.
image source "indierevolver.com"