Fnatic and Origen start off what could be a great rivalry in the future. Origen was started by xPeke, who was the mid-laner for Fnatic. Soaz also was with Fnatic and it makes for a great matchup. Fnatic’s support, Yellowstar said prior to the match that they are all like brothers and it makes it very enjoyable.
Rumble, Jayce, Ryze
Alistar, Thresh, Morgana
The match started in a huge level 1 fight near red side wraiths. Flashes were burned, ignite was hit, but neither team was given first blood.
First blood came just under 6 minutes into the game when after Amazing hopped onto Reignover in river, Reignover turned and went back in with help from the team. Fnatic’s Huni got first blood onto his Ekko, and it ended up with a 4 for 1 fight. This matchup is a blood bath both teams want to fight all the time.
2 key teamfights really turned this game in favor of Fnatic. Both fights of which were around baron or post-baron buff.